“The Art of Listening” by John Carey
“The Art of Listening” by John Carey When was the last time you sat or laid down to listen to an album all the way through, start to finish? Just you, the music, the environment you are in, and maybe a significant other. … Many people seem to think it is unreasonable to do something…
Prefixr beta · Cross-Browser CSS in Seconds
Prefixr beta · Cross-Browser CSS in SecondsNice little one-trick web app. Example: You write border-radius: 5px it outputs the same with -moz, -ms, -o, and -webkit prefixes. Even includes Microsoft CSS filters for opacity and background gradients in IE.
Listenr 1.3 Available now. And it’s FREE.
Listenr 1.3 Available now. And it’s FREE.Ethan Sherbondy: Listenr app: That’s right. I’ve decided to make the app free for the time being. The plan is to add some super awesome paid features in upcoming releases, but the core functionality of Listenr will remain available pro bono. Much thanks to everyone who supported me by…
Sencha News: June Edition
Sencha News: June EditionSencha Inc.: The latest edition of Sencha News features six full-length articles, tailored for web designers, Sencha developers, and beginning web app developers. Read about architecting your Ext JS 4 app, replacing Flash with CSS3 Animations, and get a sneak peek of Ext GWT 3. Note: Newsletter subscribers receive articles before anyone…
Curation, Community and the Future of News
Curation, Community and the Future of NewsThe Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University concludes: People are clearly overwhelmed by the growing volume and weight of digital content and messaging that they feel compelled to process. To deal with this, I’ve been very mindful of where I put my attention of late, especially when it…
Managing UI Complexity
Managing UI ComplexityFacebook, Capo, and Billings designer Brandon Walkin shares some solid principles of user interface design, with real world examples: I’ve spent the past year redesigning a particularly complex application with my primary focus being on reducing complexity. In this article, I’ll go over some of the issues surrounding complexity and techniques that can…
Cartoons & Forked Reality
Cartoons & Forked RealityAn intriguing back and forth between Frank Chimero and David Cole.
Cartoons & Forked Reality
Cartoons & Forked RealityAn intriguing back and forth between Frank Chimero and David Cole.
All You Ever Wanted to Know About The Pilcrow: ¶
All You Ever Wanted to Know About The Pilcrow: ¶
CSS3 Text-Decoration
CSS3 Text-DecorationWell, this was a new one on me. Part of the CSS3 Text spec includes text-underline-position: With this property, you can control, for example, whether the underline should cross the text’s descenders or not: auto, before-edge, alphabetic and after-edge. Currently you can use border-bottom to imitate underlined links; however this proposes a more sensible…
JPEG Optimization: The Fireworks Advantage
JPEG Optimization: The Fireworks AdvantageApparently Adobe Fireworks exports JPEGs about 30%-50% smaller than Photoshop?
Listenr 1.2 available now!
Listenr 1.2 available now!Listenr App: Grab it. Tell your friends. Give me your feedback. And if you think 1.2 is nice, just wait a week or two. Did somebody say scrobbling? Edit: Almost forgot, promotional codes to celebrate the release: 9RKW496KMRLE JAN6XTX7RAWE WJT76JRFNY34 7RMAN7HNEHJ9 EWX7A4LX4NF4 X9MJ3TT74K33 XTYKFF9Y6A63 FXKN7T9MJT7F 63J9J6PMPLXF TN79PKKN7FNR Go grab Listenr app and start listening…
HTML TidyThis is the HTML Tidy tool I use. It is especially useful for finding and correcting errors in deeply nested HTML. Which one do you use?
Aha! Moments When Learning Git
Aha! Moments When Learning GitFave: git checkout foo.txt (Undo local changes) Often forget that you can just target individual files in this way.
Everything you ever wanted to know about unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS
Everything you ever wanted to know about unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSSMathias Bynens writes about the intricacies of unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS. Even though it may seem HTML5-chic to throw loose attributes in your markup, there are enough edge cases that it’s better just to steer clear.