
  • Book of Speed

    Book of SpeedFree, online, open-source book about web performance by Stoyan Stefanov.

  • Make Your Own Micro SIM Adapter for Use in SIM Card Slot

    Make Your Own Micro SIM Adapter for Use in SIM Card SlotHere’s the resource I found to create my own Micro SIM adapter in order to use my AT&T iPhone 4 Micro SIM in the regular-sized SIM card slot inside my Google Nexus S. (Similarly, this could be employed in order to share your iPhone…

  • Remember window positions with

    Remember window positions with has been one of the most helpful apps for my sanity in the last few months. I removed the menu bar item and set up a keyboard shortcut for it (⌃⌥⌘S) and now my windows stay where I want them. is also good when paired with for this…

  • Reading My Way to Better Design

    Reading My Way to Better DesignVia Pamela Fox.

  • Javascript and the End of Progressive Enhancement

    Javascript and the End of Progressive EnhancementRequired reading: Admit JavaScript is mandatory and let the Web progress. Also, don’t miss my good buddy James Pearce’s comment.

  • Node.js and the Javascript Age

    Node.js and the Javascript Age The JavaScript age is about event streams. Modern web pages are not pages, they are event-driven applications through which information moves. The core content vessel of the web — the document object model — still exists, but not as HTML markup. The DOM is an in-memory, efficiently-encoded data structure generated…

  • Why Every Music Lover Needs a Account

    Why Every Music Lover Needs a AccountSince I became a member in May 20061 I have successfully scrobbled over 40,000 tracks. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much I like (especially with cool new apps accessing its API like SendGig, tweetlouder and and I wanted to share my thoughts…

  • Death to Optical Media

    Death to Optical MediaI recently purchased a OptiBay Hard Drive kit for my MacBook Pro, which allowed me to remove the optical DVD/CD drive from my computer and put a 2.5″ drive in its place. I recommend SSD for silent and speedy operation. Installation took about 15 minutes in my make-shift clean room. They send…

  • Tower

    Tower“Rant and rave about this app” has been on my todo list for a long time. If you need to use Git, I highly recommend it: is like training wheels for Git. A few weeks use and I feel more confident than ever. #

  • The Interface of Restaurant Receipts

    The Interface of Restaurant Receiptsby Aza Raskin

  • “Tiny Screens First” Boilerplate Extension

    “Tiny Screens First” Boilerplate ExtensionAndy Clarke’s latest addition to the HTML5 Boilerplate initiative makes sure web browsing smartphones don’t download assets intended for desktop computers: ‘320 and Up’ starts with a tiny screen stylesheet that contains only reset, colour and typography styles. Media Queries then load assets and layout styles progressively and only as they’re…

  • Copy as RTF TextMate bundle

    Copy as RTF TextMate bundleCoolest thing I found yesterday. Copies code samples from TextMate as Rich Text Format with syntax highlighted colors and font style. Made some Keynote presentations prettier with real code samples! It’s all about Menlo, 18 pt.

  • Get ready for Mac OS X Lion with Scroll Reverser

    Get ready for Mac OS X Lion with Scroll ReverserPilotmoon Software: You might have learned that a certain upcoming version of Mac OS X may have scrolling that is “bass-ackwards”. That is, when you push up on your trackpad or mouse scroller, the page content moves up too, just like on iOS devices. I made…

  • Fuck Yeah CSS Colors!

    Fuck Yeah CSS Colors!Fact: CSS includes 147 standardized color names.

  • Junecloud Automator Actions

    Junecloud Automator ActionsThe one I use most is Make Names Web-Friendly, but Create Clean Archive is pretty handy for web professionals as well.