The time is upon us for Black Friday sales and/or new Macs for Christmas that we’ll be disappointed with when there’s a product announcement in January.
With these new computers, we’ll want to forgo the tedium of initializing settings to remove silly restrictions meant for bumbling peasants. We’ll want to customize Mac OS X to our nerdish liking. Here is how I go about mine.
- Set View Options in Finder to Arrange by Name
- Turn off Spring-loaded folders in the Finder
- Disable drives from showing up on desktop
- Configure Rules to designate color coded message lines from family
System Preferences
- Keyboard & Mouse: Enable right-click on Mighty Mouse, Disable Expose, Dashboard buttons
- Dock: Automatically hide Dock, Disable animate opening applications
- Software Update: Disable automatic checking
Advanced Customization
- Turn off Bluetooth and remove from Menu Bar
- Turn off feedback for Sound controls and unnecessary notifications in iChat and Mail
- Remove the Windows BSOD in Leopard
- Run Terminal commands to disable unnecessary features and animations
- Change Dock to 2D Appearance
defaults write no-glass -boolean YES; killall Dock
- Disable animations in the Finder
defaults write DisableAllAnimations -bool true
- Disable ‘snap to grid’ animation
defaults Write AnimateSnapToGrid -bool FALSE
- Disable Info pane animations
defaults write AnimateInfoPanes -bool false
- Increase the speed of the Save dialog box (Default is 0.2)
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime .001
- Force to display plaintext
defaults write PreferPlainText -bool TRUE
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