Category: music
Apple TV Emulated in WebKit
I sat down in front of my Apple TV one night to listen to some music and I realized I could replicate the interface with awesome, awesome WebKit CSS3 properties. So I did.
iTunes Music Genres
Accurate or not, I force all my iTunes music into one of 10 pre-defined genres to keep from suffering genre overload.
Some Notes On iTunes LP
It’s clear that I’m pretty excited about iTunes LP. The “deluxe album” format from the iTunes Store is an attempt to revitalize music sales by providing an immersive digital experience complete with detailed art reminiscent of when people used to buy records. Feature-wise, an iTunes LP is a DRM-free album in high-quality 256kbps AAC format,…
Review: Loose Fur, “Loose Fur”
Gosh darnit… I just like this album!! I found it yesterday when crawling through the KTUH archives. It is their first album together, but it’s so short it feels like an EP (only 40 minutes). The only release I’d even heard of with them collaborating was Born Again In The USA. I didn’t like it…
First Listen: The Black Angels
When I first stumbled across The Black Angels I was in a Neil Young mood. I was up late at night, thoroughly avoiding schoolwork by visiting various websites while tinkering with iTunes. I find that when I listen to music after one in the morning, I tend to really like whatever I hear. It is…
Review: Neil Young, “Heart of Gold”
I first saw the Neil Young concert movie, Heart of Gold, at the Varsity theatre on April 8th, 2006. I was very excited to see it. I had visited the website and enrolled in the email subscription list which only served to make me more excited. My first impressions of the film were from what…