Category: tutorial
How to Start Using Microformats
Microformats are good, and Google recently announced they would start supporting two of them: hCard and hReview. Your favorite SEO voodoo daddy will tell you that Google will shine upon your site if they find you’re using extremely semantic markup with the likes of Microformats.
My Preferred Image Replacement Technique
There are many different kinds of image replacement techniques exhaustively detailed around the web. Many seem quite complex, and dated, and it seems that the most popular technique I see is the Farhner method, or text-indent: -9999px. However, there is a small problem with this technique: in Firefox it draws lines stretching across your screen…
Reminder: QuickTime Embeds
Okay, so you know how to make an optimized video for the Web with HandBrakeCLI, now let’s embed that bad boy into the webpage. … Oops. I always forget how to do QuickTime embeds. They are a rather involved affair so the name is quite ironic. Anyway, this post is mostly a reminder to myself,…
Optimizing Videos for the Web with HandBrakeCLI
HandBrake is an excellent application for converting your favorite Flash files, VOB folders, or almost anything else really, for use on your iPhone, iPod or AppleTV. But it also has another use: creating great videos for the web.
Coda Emulated in WebKit
I got tired of the boring look of a standard Apache web directory. So instead of browsing folders the default way, I built a small index.php file in the root, grabbed all folders dynamically, injected them as HTML5 and styled them with CSS3. Since I work with Coda all day, I chose to emulate their…
Defining Focus Styles for Web Accessibility
Most CSS hackers are familiar with Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset. Most are also familiar with Zeldman’s “LoVe? HA!” mnemonic to remember the pseudo-classes for anchors, :link, :visited, :hover, and :active. But what you might not be familiar with is the comment at the bottom of Meyer’s Reset block: “Remember to define focus styles!” Of course,…
Create Your Own WordPress Fail Whale
This page shows up when WordPress cannot connect to your MySQL database. The entire page, complete with head and body, is written into the code, so the good news is we can put whatever we want here.
Setting Up Your Mac For Local Development Using Coda, WordPress & MAMP
WordPress is not just for blogs. WordPress is a highly sophisticated content management system that you can use to develop and manage your client’s professional websites. Best of all, it’s entirely free. To get started it helps to experiment without the hassle of publishing files to the Internet. With a Mac, you already have the…