Tag: Microsoft

  • I talked about power. We’ve got work we have to do with hardware partners, with Intel. There’s certainly some work to be done there. And over time where we go is where we go. But at least in the timeframe that which anybody does these models, for example, let’s go. Let’s go and we’ll be…

  • The Microsoft Surface will have a retail price comparable with competitive ultrabook-class PCs. Steven Sinofsky addressing pricing expectations at the Microsoft Surface event. I was very curious to see what a “competitive ultrabook-class PC” cost. So I googled some stuff. From the Wikipedia entry on Ultrabooks, I gather that ultrabooks typically cost between $800 and…

  • Microsoft Store directly across from popular Apple Store in the Mall of America. Dear God, why is Microsoft such a glutton for punishment?

  • Browser makers like Microsoft and Mozilla should swallow their pride, take the unique features they’ve each brought to their respective browsers, and start figuring out how to develop them on top of WebKit — it’s the quickest way for web development to move forward as a whole. Dear Microsoft, Please Use WebKit by David Kaneda.

  • Microsoft continues to lower the bar for crappy, crappy design: Screenshots of Office Mobile 2010

    Microsoft continues to lower the bar for crappy, crappy design: Screenshots of Office Mobile 2010

  • Microsoft changes mind, Windows Phone 7 will *not* support WebKit CSS property

    Microsoft changes mind, Windows Phone 7 will not support WebKit CSS propertyLet me get this straight: Microsoft, for their “iPhone killer” (a vaporware device that practically rebels against usability, planned for introduction in Q4 2010, where it will face over 85 million iPhone OS devices as well as the 4th generation iPhone) starts to consider…

  • Windows Phone 7 Despises Beauty, Usability

    Windows Phone 7 Despises Beauty, Usability

  • Microsoft Education Competencies: Humor

    Microsoft Education Competencies: Humor Overdoing Humor May disrupt group process with untimely or inappropriate humor May use humor to deflect real issues and problems May use humor to criticize others and veil an attack May use humor to deliver sarcasm or cynicism May be perceived as immature or lacking in appropriate seriousness His/her humor may…

  • Jason Long: Earlier UI concepts of Metro in Windows Phone 7 Series. Lots of interesting screens here, all falling into the “fun and stylish as graphic design, but questionable as UI design” department for me. This looks a bit better than what was actually debuted. It’s laughable that words going off the screen can pass…

  • esquareda: Could this be the end of Internet Exploder!? Nah… probably not. Internet Explorer 9: Platform Demos IE9 Preview has proper border-radius implementation but fake their CSS animations using JavaScript. Native WebKit CSS animation looks as good as their fakey JavaScript eye-candy.

  • Gizmodo thinks Windows Phone 7 Series will suck for business. I’m sure it has nothing to do with that gorgeous UI.

  • The Microsoft Experience

    On October 22nd, 2009, Microsoft opened their first retail store in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona. I was there to witness the event. It’s no secret that Microsoft Stores are a blatant rip-off of Apple Stores. And from Microsoft’s behemoth coffers, they spared no expense. It’s impressive, but ultimately raised more questions than answers.