Tag: text

  • Always Specify Image Dimensions to Avoid CSS Reflow/Repaints

    I took an hour the other day and dove into helpful documentation to avoid CSS Reflows and Repaint, but I came up pretty short; in modern browsers, most of these things don’t add to perceived page load in any significant way. Except one thing that always irks me: Always specify a width and height for…

  • Photoshop Tip: Disable Hyphenation in New Documents

    Webpage Photoshop comps look silly with paragraphs auto-hyphenated. This is almost never what a web designer wants. In order to turn off hyphenation for all new documents, proceed with the following steps: Open Photoshop. Close all open documents. Select the Paragraph panel. Uncheck “Hyphenate” checkbox. Result: All new documents have “Hyphenate” unchecked, solving all your…

  • Quick note on why you should always use Progressive JPEGs if larger than 10KB

    Lately I’ve been doing a ton of reading on decreasing website load time, image optimization techniques, responsive loading for different devices, and every detail I can find in between. One quick takeaway is that I will always tick the “progressive” checkbox in Photoshop’s Save for Web dialog from now on when saving JPEGs larger than…

  • Back to the Woods

    Nearly four years ago when I began this tumblelog I posted this quote by Columbia Professor of Music Aaron Brown, “Country music is born when the country becomes a nostalgic idea,” and it stuck with me. Partly because I have a deep appreciation for the simple songwriting of country music. Partly because when I post…

  • Monthly Playlists for 2012

    Last year I made monthly playlists of songs in heavy rotation. Really enjoyable to revisit at year’s end. Instant time warp. — Frank Chimero (@fchimero) January 5, 2012 Really excited to do this in 2012. (Also, embedded tweets look pretty legit on Tumblr.)

  • Resizing windows in Mac OS X Lion

    Today I discovered that you can resize windows in Mac OS X Lion with the aid of the Option and Shift key, a technique usually reserved for image editing software. Hold down the Option key while resizing the edge of a window to move the opposite edge the same distance. Hold down the Shift key…

  • How to Link to Stuff

    A demo: Check out this cool new thing here. Check out this cool new thing.

  • My Week with Google Android Nexus S

    I’ve been using a Google Nexus S running Android OS 2.3 as my phone for the past week and I like it. It makes for a very decent smartphone. Frequent needs can be met quickly with a minimum of amount of fuss. (Accomplishing the same task on iOS, though pretty, is not as easy nor…

  • ASCII Art of Heidi Klum AKA “Internet Art”

    ,,,,,,,,,,:=I?7II+Z8MNN88O8Z,…,..,,….,,,,,.,……………..,,, ,,,,,,,,,.?77=I?IZ7?I$88ZD8DD,………….,.,………,,……….. ,,,,,,,,:+$I7+I7+?OMD8O88O8OOO…………………….,……….,, ,,,,,,,,?$I7I+$77+O7$I777IZ?ZM,………………………………, ,,,,,,,.O7Z7I77?OZ7III?III$OO8Z………………………………. ,,,,,,,?DO8$I77ZZ$I?IIIIII$D$OO………………………………. ,,,,,,?ODZ$+Z?ZOZI???????IIO7DO………………………………, ,,,,,.:ZO8I?777OZO7I?7ONNZ7$8D8?…………………………….., ,,,,,,,$7Z7O788DZ$7I?7777I?7O88=…………………….~=,…..,., ::,,:,??Z$Z8ZOO$7III?II????$OND………,……………:~~~….,,,, ::,:,7$?$I$Z$DZ$III?+I7I?IIOOMD…………………….~~~~.,..,,,, :::,:?O7$$Z8OZZZ7I?I77II777ONNNZ,,…..,,…,.,,,,,,,,,,:~~=~,.,,,,~ ~~~~:Z7O8Z8$DMIZ77I7I$ZZ7778ODD$7777III?II::~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~=?~:~~~== =~~~IZZOOO$NO8MM$II777$77ZZ8DO$77$77IIII?II~~~~~~~:~~::~,==+I=:~~==+ ++++$IZZ8788MMMMM$IIIII7ZZZZZZ77777777I??III:,:::,:,,,,,=++?+?=~+++? ==~?$$8OOO8MMMNMMMDOZZZZZ$$ZZ7$7777777I??I77,:::::,,,,,,++?III77??I? :~7=Z$ZZDDNMDMDNNMMDZZZZZZZZ$7$7777777I??I77,,,,,,,::,,,::~$?I?I7$~: ::OZD$8N8DMMMDMNDNMD8ZZZZZZ$777777777$I??I77,,,,,,,,,:,:,,::$I?+??,: +I~OZZ88D8N8NDM8ONN8OOZZZZ$7777$777777I??I7$,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,7$7I???I~ :IZZZD8DD8DDDDODD8NDZ$$$$Z$77777$II7$7I??77:,,,,,..,,,,,,~?I7O77?+II D:++O?O8NONMM8M888N8OZZ$7$$$77II$II7Z7??I77,…………+??7ZO:77I?? …,ZZ$DN88OM8NOD8NOZZ$$7$$$777I$$I7Z7??I777………..??I7$Z~.7$7II ,.$N:ZD888D8DDM8DZ$$$$$777777I$$$ZZI??I777……….?III7ZZ…$77I .?~8..ZO88D8O8DNDDO$77777$$77II$$$Z$I?+?I77.,…:,I+??II77Z. ..$77 …….OOODD88DNNDD8Z$7$$$$$$7I?$$$$7I++?I77$7$$$$$$777?=+7$. ..Z$7 ..=7ZO8NND8DDNDD8Z$7777$Z$7??$$$Z7I++?I7$ZI?I7II$$7$$+++??,…,Z$ .:I8Z8DDONNN:D8O$7III7$Z$I??$$$Z7?++?I7$777II77I?7$$Z??II??+?I7Z .?$I8OO8.OZD$?ZO$7III7$Z$7I$$$$Z7?+?I7$$777777777I?Z$III777II?II . ..III$Z8ZZ88O..,OO$77777ZZ77$$$ZO7?+?I7$$$$777777777IZI77$7$77777 .II7$Z8~888..=.ZZZ$$$$$Z8$$Z$ZZO7??I77$$$$$$77777777Z7$$$Z$$$$$$ …,?$$$$ZO 7Z~… .ZZZZZZ$Z8DZOOOO8II?I77$Z$$$$$$$$$$$$ZZZZZOZZZZZZ ZZZZZZ$OZZZ,,+:,,,,.,,OOOOZ?~,=?+?=I+II7$$ZZZZZZZZZOOZZZOOOOOZOZOZOO For Jesse.

  • You guys know you can paste URLs directly into the Safari Downloads window right?

    Okay, just checking. UPDATE: As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, Safari 5.1 no longer supports this behavior. Sorry, Charlie. UPDATE: Not sure if I just missed this before, but you can do this in 10.7+ as long as you first focus the Downloads “window”.

  • Some Special CSS for Twitter

    table.columns div#side div#recommended_users { display: none !important; } Make a stylesheet with this rule, go to Safari Preferences > Advanced > Add to Style sheet.

  • The Following Songs May Or May Not Be About Making Love to a Chicken

    Hey Chicken – Loose Fur Chicken Payback – The Bees My Little Chicken – Adam Sandler

  • I love that *this* works.

    Peter Baker: “Shiiit” comes out exactly as it should. (On a Mac, Control+click the word > Speech > Start Speaking) Also, try “Mac OS X”. It’ll blow your mind.

  • FaceTime Me.

  • “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif

    What’s your font-stack? UPDATE: Very happy that this works: font: bold 24px/1 inherit; … just not in IE6/7.