Tag: text

  • Do you (or anyone you know) use Dropbox to store your Home folder?

  • Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B334b Safari/531.21.10

    iPad user agent string. (Via thijsjacobs.)

  • Headline: Enthusiastic Twitter user @jayrobinson is excited to read Twitter on iPad.

    “I’m excited to finally be able to use Twitter to be productive. The iPad will let me realize my full potential as a Pro Twitter user with over 300 very attractive followers.” said the longtime Pro Twitter user from his Palo Alto, California home. The 9.7 inch screen using IPS technology was particularly enticing to…

  • CSS is Aspect-Oriented Programming

    CSS is Aspect-Oriented Programming A group of CSS rules is essentially a function. (They even use the same curly-brace and semicolon syntax.) … form h1 { font-size: 15px; color: blue; } Suddenly, all h1 tags inside forms have this behavior, even though none of them reference this “function”. Aspect-oriented programming is the most misunderstood programming…

  • 2 Second Usability Upgrade For Any Site

    Go to CSS file, add :focus to anything that has :hover.

  • 4th Generation iPhone

    Based on words I read off of John Gruber’s website, Daring Fireball, I put together a list of features that will likely be in the new iPhone (4th Generation) released this summer: Uses A4-family CPU system-on-a-chip, like iPad 960 × 640 resolution, exactly doubling the current size Second front-facing camera Support for 3rd party multitasking John is…

  • My Favorite iPhone Auto-Correct Blunders

    Css = CDs iPhone = oPhir WebKit = WebLog Didya = Didymium What weird ones have you seen?

  • Follow me on Twitter @jayrobinson

    Why wait till year’s end? I’ve collected some of my favorite tweets so far for 2010. I’ve carefully annotated them to help you along. Follow me on Twitter: @jayrobinson. “Give me a haircut.” Personal glimpses into my daily life complete with high-resolution photos. “iTunes 12 feature I’m looking forward to: Acoustic Analyzer finds duplicate songs.”…

  • The Big Lebowski Alignment Chart

    urbanape: > So, this[1] has been making the rounds over the past few days. It’s not wrong[2], but there are a few corrections I’d make: Walter is Lawful Good. He’s far too rule-bound to be Chaotic. The Dude is Chaotic Good. While being basically Good, he’s pretty much the definition of Chaotic, bouncing from situation…

  • Some Bookmarks I’ve Kept Lately

    Landscape Lifescape is a beautiful tumblelog showcasing some of the most picturesque places on Earth. Like any displaced haole I’ve been missing the ’aina terribly. At least it’s reassuring that Kona Brewing Co. is switching to solar energy. I dig the Longboard Ale. People continue to push the limits of what can be done with…

  • Some Twitter Facts About Me That Are Totally Fucking Uninteresting To You

    I joined Twitter on February 27th, 2007 with the account @jayrobinson83. My first tweet was “trying to get some sleep@KTUH.org”. I posted 126 tweets with that account, mostly using the “[username] is…” format, which was the most prevalent at the time. This account was user #798,220 on Twitter. I was one of the first million…

  • Thirty-Five Songs, Four Chords, One Ordered List

    Australian comedy group Axis of Awesome made a cool video called Four Chords, 36 Songs. I enjoyed the catchy pop melodies and wanted to see how many of the songs I already had. I ended up making this ordered list for you. There’s actually 35 songs. Enjoy. Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’ iTunes James Blunt…

  • I wrote and illustrated a short story when I was in 6th grade called “The Beatnik and The Bean”. My friends and I were on a bit of a kick where we thought scat and bebop words were funny. This cartoon by Dan Meth looks almost exactly like my beatnik, though I have no idea…

  • SFO to BOS

    I will be in Westborough, Massachusetts, for work through the month of March. (Fine folks of Tumblr, I am trusting you with this sensitive information. Please do not burgle my home while I am away.) Hopefully I will be able to make it into Boston and New York for some site-seeing on the weekends. Wanna…

  • Visor – Quake Style Terminal Access

    Visor – Quake Style Terminal AccessNoah Stokes: It’s been a while since I’ve used this and it appears to have it’s bugs worked out. By the Quicksilver folks.