Apple TV Emulated in WebKit

How I Designed the Apple TV Now Playing Screen Using WebKit CSS3

Apple TV Now Playing screen emulated in WebKit

I sat down in front of my Apple TV one night to listen to some music and I realized I could replicate the interface with awesome, awesome WebKit CSS3 properties. So I did.

Here is the Now Playing screen from the Apple TV Take 2. Personally, with the advent of iTunes LP, I would much rather see a visualizer while I play an album than this, now boring, interface. It was very cool when it was first released though. And it was a lot of fun to recreate the flip with webkit-transition.

What I Learned

I learned that CSS animation is only temporary, and will revert back. If you want a permanent change, use CSS transform. This is obvious in hindsight, just by thinking about the names. But in my excitement to experiment with them I did not take this into consideration.

-webkit-box-reflection is not currently supported on composited layers. The WebKit people know, too.

Download and Host Your Own

  1. Grab your favorite mp3 audio file. (Rename it “song.mp3”.)
  2. Grab your favorite album art from that album. (Rename it “image.png”.)
  3. Throw them in this folder and view through Safari 4.0.3 for best results.

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